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Old Apr 03 2021, 05:54 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
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Originally Posted by charlie saunders View Post
USER ID number ( 553411533 ) farms are still treating all crops as wasted when harvesting
Hi charlie saunders,

What do you mean they are treated as wasted?
Please provide more detail about what crop you are harvesting and what size tool you are using and what you are seeing before you harvest them and after you harvest them.

Is this only happening on one of your farms or all of them? If it's not all of them, please let us know which one has the problem you are seeing.

Please also double check that all aspects of the date and time are showing correct on your computer as any part of that being wrong can cause strange issues on the farm.

If you have not already done so, check that your browser is still up to date and clear your browser caches/history so that you get a fresh load of graphics for the game. First load after doing that will be slower while the new graphics load for what is on your farms.

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