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Old Apr 02 2021, 08:28 AM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by JohnAlbertini View Post
Have cleared memcache repeatedly but the problem persists. Not every farm but about a dozen times working 43 hired farms we get kicked completely out of FarmTown and have to reload the game. Some of the times we get a rehire option so can go back and work, other times we don't and need to message the hirer to get rehired to continue.

The actual work does seem a LITTLE faster than the flash version work. The SAVE countdown is better but still too slow.
Hi John

If you are getting red numbers for saving then try to do the work a little slower so the saving doesnt go too high. If the farms you are working on are too full of a particular item and/or they are on top of other items then those could affect how fast you can work and how fast they can be saved.