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Old Jan 20 2021, 01:07 PM
Joyce Turbo Joyce Turbo is offline
Join Date: Sep 24 2019
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Jocye Turbo,
Have you done the updates showing on your computer? If not please do those. If you're not sure how to do those you can ask that question in which ever browser you are using. Most of them have a search box you can type in or you can type the question in the browser address bar.
  • Windows users need to look for links that show in the link.
  • Mac users would need to look for links with in the link.

Then please click on this link, it will take you to the Announcement in the forum. Scroll down to First Load of Farm Town and make sure that you have done what's listed there:

As I understand you have changed some flags in your settings. That is not recommended as it can cause more problems. I suggest you set those back to what they were.
Hello Taz thanks for your help So in exploring for video card drivers I did update that.. tweaked a couple items but then reset to defaults because nothing really helped. As of now I am leaning to RAM issue. after that if I still have issues I will follow up. I did find (through a google search ) a tool.. I downloaded it.. I let it do a scan.. but it wanted money but I cancelled it LOL.. but as it scanned I saw that my RAM is an issue at 3.5 GB but optimal would be at very least 4 - through 8GB lol so at this point I feel a stick of RAM would be the thing to do and after that see what happens. I would link to the tool I found but I fear to post a link that might not be appreciated heheh

Also my windows updates are current. I am not sure what flags in my settings you were referring to though. Settings for which exactly?