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Old Jan 20 2021, 09:51 AM
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Taz D Taz D is offline
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Originally Posted by Joyce Turbo View Post
Yes the saga continues. I have nothing in FT at all.. after loading up to U75 it just grays out including the toggle console so no errors to go by except what I have already mentioned. I used the chrome:gpu and it shows Vulkan disabled but I cannot find how to actually enable it .. yet. Any input would be appreciated because I am flying blind here sort of. If I can provide any more info please let me know.

This shows up in the toggle console.

Remapping between formats -1962601392 -> 740793674 is not supported

Also this

ERRORCould not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 128880B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: X��U�� N��a�� g��-q��=u��K}��[~��iy��w�����������������������ڷ��ȑ��ʍ��ˌ��А��ԑ��ۗ �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������ݛ������������������滑� �����������������������������������̌��ۓ��������� ��������������������������������������א��Ȏ�������� ��~}��e���Gv��-k��&k��1r��Gz��^w��t}������������������Ԩ��Ҡ������� �����������ݰ��Ȑ����������������~}��k{��Sw��9 o��n�� 8��
Hi Jocye Turbo,
Have you done the updates showing on your computer? If not please do those. If you're not sure how to do those you can ask that question in which ever browser you are using. Most of them have a search box you can type in or you can type the question in the browser address bar.
  • Windows users need to look for links that show in the link.
  • Mac users would need to look for links with in the link.

Then please click on this link, it will take you to the Announcement in the forum. Scroll down to First Load of Farm Town and make sure that you have done what's listed there:

As I understand you have changed some flags in your settings. That is not recommended as it can cause more problems. I suggest you set those back to what they were.
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.

Last edited by Taz D; Jan 20 2021 at 10:13 AM.