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Old Aug 14 2020, 02:38 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Originally Posted by RozeeS View Post
Not sure what the benefits of this are? How many super neighbours can we have? Is this dictated by some mathematical calculation as some other things in FT are?

Are you saying the purple dot is an indication of a mutual super neighbour?
In other words if a person sets you as a super neighbour and they do the same a purple dot is shown?

Many thanks
Hi RozeeS

Neighbors and Super Neighbors have a limit based on the lengh of their IDs. For Super Neighbors the limit is around 20.

The purple dot represents a neighbour that has made you a Super Neighbour. But maybe you have not set them as your Super Neighbor.
If you are mutual Super Neighbors then you will see both dots, Red and Purple.

We have the explanation for each dot in the following link from our Game guide: