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Old Jun 17 2020, 02:04 PM
JohnAlbertini JohnAlbertini is offline
Join Date: Oct 08 2010
Posts: 576

Something needs to be done about work done when hired at the marketplace or inn.

When I work for a Super Neighbor the work progresses smoothly and quickly.

When hired at the marketplace or inn it can take 2, 3, 4 MINUTES PER FARM (WAITING to load a farm then to do each tool which requires WAITING for each tool to become usable, then WAITING for the save count to drop to zero and the popup that pending saves have been completed, etc). From the time I click to go to the next farm until I can do the same for the next farm is excruciatingly slow. The actual work clicking takes maybe 15-20 seconds but the entire process takes MANY minutes. And invariably there is at least one instance, sometimes more than one, with a "Shockwave Flash isn't responding" popup.

It takes well over an hour to work all the farms when hired by a single farmer. I have one I work for like this on a regular basis. PLEASE fix this. It is the slashkey servers that are SLOOOOOOOOOW and make doing this work a major chore!!!

It is the WAITING for the server to catch up to what has BEEN DONE that takes forever.
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