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Old Feb 14 2020, 04:19 PM
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Default Harvests & Products Storage Capacity and Filters

Harvests & Products Storage Capacity and Filters

The Harvests & Products section is where various products from your farms and facilities are stored. For example: harvested crops from your fields, harvest from your trees, milk from your cows and your goats, cheese and butter from the dairy.

Harvests & Products Storage Capacity:

The Capacity Used bar top left of the Harvests & Products section of your Storage is to help you know when that section of storage is getting full. This is your limit for the Harvests & Products section ONLY. This example is showing 80% used of 100%, so there is roughly 20% left before it reaches maximum.

If the Capacity Used bar reaches 99% at any time, you are almost at maximum! If you don't keep an eye on it and reduce it, reach maximum capacity while you are not on your farms, perhaps while working for others (farm work or facility work for example) you could lose all or some of one or many harvests/products.

You will see a brief warning at the bottom of the window that fades away when you are on your own farms and using the Facility Manager and using Store All for example. This is what the warning looks like:

To prevent this from happening, check this capacity regularly and on a regular basis also do the following:
  • Store products made in your facilities.
  • Cash out.
  • Sell anything you don't need like Non-Ingredients.
  • If you don't own all the facilities you may also want to sell at least a portion of Non-Ingredients (for me)
  • Facility Chain Export Products - If you have chains, make sure you are participating regularly in this to use up your (export) products. Remember cashing out service facilities in chains earns you a considerable amount more than selling them at market. If you can't use those up fast enough, consider selling off a portion of the higher amounts of those.

The time to check this daily is if the Capacity is showing over 95%. If you have a considerable amount of harvests/products you may want to check it before it gets that high. When it's that high, the more facilities you have, the more often you are going to need to store and cash out. If you need to, and have large amounts of anything, consider if you are going to be able to use them and if not sell half or at least a portion of them. Selling from Storage is explained later in this chapter.

The Zip button allows you to consolidate all sizes of different size boxes of products into regular size boxes. This applies to Crops, Logs, Tree Fruits, Flowers, Fish, Animal Products. It converts everything into regular size boxes. You can not convert only a specific item or a specific group of items like Crops or Logs etc.
  • This can be useful when your storage is getting near to full, as it can help to increase your capacity space (reducing the percentage used).
  • or you just want to make a quick profit in coins if you have a considerable amount of some or all of the different sizes.
  • or you just don't like seeing all 3 different sizes in your Harvests & Products storage.

This example is Blueberries but there are many other products you could have all 3 sizes for lets say you had:
  • 10 x Blueberries (gift) (Gifts from the gift page)
  • 10 x Blueberries - these are the regular size that you get when you harvest yourself or as a bonus.
  • 10 x Blueberries (Large) - what you get when you hire a stranger at market to do your work or a Super Neighbour does the work for you.

When you click Zip you will convert them all to 30 x Blueberries (regular size) and you will be credited the difference in price between the regular and large size.

If you decide to consolidate all your different sizes of products, click the Zip button. You will then see a popup similar to this, but the information in the popup will be your products and amounts:

If you change your mind you can just click the red x.

To proceed click the green check , all your different sizes boxes will be converted to regular size boxes, and you will see another popup giving you additional information about how many products were converted and what coins you were credited with for converting them. Example:

Click the green check mark to close the popup and that's it, you are done!

The Filters and how to search Harvest & Products Storage:

The drop down arrow on All lets you filter your storage to a specific category. To change what you are viewing, click on the little arrow, scroll down the menu and click on the option you want. The categories are:
  • All
  • Crops
  • From Trees
  • Logs
  • Tree Fruits
  • Flowers
  • Fish
  • Animal Products
  • From Facilities
  • Ingredients from Facilities
  • Non- Ingredients - these are anything not currently used to make a product or stock a service facility. Example: Crown of Thorns and Pink Tulips are flowers that may be used for decoration, as they can be harvested you can sell those harvests for profit.
  • Non-Ingredients (for me) - is anything that you can not use yet, as you don't own the facilities that use them. You might choose to sell all of them or part of them for profit.

    Click on this link if you need information on where From Facilities(Export) products are now stored:

The Search Icon will let you search your storage for a particular item. If you are not sure what category your item would be in make sure you have the drop down filter shown above, set to All.

To use it, click on the icon and a box will appear that you can type in. Start typing the name of the item you are looking for. As you type, anything in your storage meeting that criteria will come into view. The arrows let you scroll up and down through the options if there are many items that include the word you typed. The red X closes the search box.

The A-Z Filter will let you sort your Storage by
  • Alphabetically
  • Stored Amount
  • Ingredient Importance - will show products from the more important to the less important based on all available facilities in the game, not only those that you own, so for example, if you do not own any of the restaurants the Flour will still appear high in the list.
  • Ingredient Importance (for me) - will take into account the facilities that you currently own, so in this case, if you do not own any of the restaurants, the Flour will appear lower in the list and you will see in the top of the list only the ingredients that are more important to the facilities that you already own.
  • Total Price
  • Producing Facility - only available when viewing From Facilities, From Facilities (Export) or Ingredients From Facilities. This filter groups all products by the facility that produced them, so for example all the Semi Trailer products will be together, all the Windmill products will be grouped together, all the Dairy Processing products will be grouped together.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2023 at 07:55 AM.