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Old Jun 14 2019, 10:40 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
Posts: 9,721
Default What Level or requirements do I unlock Tools? (A to F)

Here is a list of available tools, their price, and level or requirement to unlock them (A to F).

  • Armored Truck - Cost 30 Farmcash

  • Belt Dryer - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Bottling Machine - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Bulldozer (2x2) - Cost 80,000 coins - Level 19
  • Bulldozer (3x3) - Cost 250,000 coins - Level 47
  • Bulldozer (4x4) - Cost 15 Farmcash
  • Bulldozer (5x5) - Cost 10 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 4x4
  • Bulldozer (6x6) - Cost 15 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 5x5
  • Bulldozer (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash Requires Bulldozer 6x6
  • Bulldozer (12x12) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 8x8
  • Bulldozer (16x16) - Cost 30 Farmcash Requires Bulldozer 12x12
  • Bulldozer (20x20) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 16x16
  • Bulldozer Ex (8x8) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Bulldozer 12x12

  • Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) and Seeder (5x5)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (6x6) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5), Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) and Seeder (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (6x6), Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) and Seeder (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8), Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) and Seeder (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10), Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) and Seeder (12x12)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12), Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) and Seeder (14x14)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14), Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) and Seeder (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16), Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) and Seeder (18x18)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18), Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) and Seeder (20x20)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20), Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) and Seeder (22x22)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22), Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) and Seeder (24x24)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24), Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) and Seeder (28x28)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (28x28), Combine Harvest-Plow (32x32) and Seeder (32x32)

  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (5x5)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5), Seeder Ex (5x5)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (6x6)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (5x5), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6), Seeder EX (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (7x7)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (6x6), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7), Seeder Ex (7x7)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 8x8 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (7x7), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8), Seeder Ex (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 9x9 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (8x8), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9), Seeder Ex (9x9)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 10x10 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (9x9), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10), Seeder Ex (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 11x11 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (10x10), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11), Seeder Ex (11x11)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 12x12 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (11x11), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (12x12), Seeder Ex (12x12)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 13x13 - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (12x12), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (13x13), Seeder Ex (13x13)

  • Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Harvester (5x5) and Plower (5x5)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5), Harvester (6x6) and Plower (6x6)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6), Harvester (8x8) and Plower (8x8)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8), Harvester (10x10) and Plower (10x10)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10), Harvester (12x12) and Plower (12x12)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12), Harvester (14x14) and Plower (14x14)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14), Harvester (16x16) and Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16), Harvester (18x18) and Plower (18x18)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18), Harvester (20x20) and Plower (20x20)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20), Harvester (22x22) and Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22), Harvester (24x24) and Plower (24x24)- Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24), Harvester (28x28) and Plower (28x28)- Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28), Harvester (32x32) and Plower (32x32)- Solar Powered

  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Harvester Ex (5x5) and Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered and Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5), Harvester Ex (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6), Harvester Ex (7x7)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7), Harvester Ex (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8), Harvester Ex (9x9)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9), Harvester Ex (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10), Harvester Ex (11x11)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (12x12) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11), Harvester Ex (12x12)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (13x13) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (12x12), Harvester Ex (13x13)

  • Conveyors - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Crop Replanter Implement - Cost 120 Farmcash (upgrade for the Combine Harvest-Plant tools that enables replanting the same crop) - Requires Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5)
    BEFORE you purchase the Crop Replanter Implement please read the information about what it enables and how replant method works. If you are still not sure, always ask questions about it to make sure that it will be useful for what you like to do with your farms or as a Super Neighbour.
    To see more information on this tool CLICK HERE

  • Drive Thru System - Cost 35 Farmcash

  • Egg Collector - Cost 45 Farmcash
  • Excavator - Cost 50 Farmcash
  • Express Checkout Station - Cost 40 Farmcash

  • Fishing Boat (2x2) - Cost 1,300,000 coins - Level 19
  • Fishing Boat (3x3) - Cost 35 Farmcash
  • Fishing Boat (5x5) - Cost 25 Farmcash - Requires Fishing Boat (3x3)

  • Turbo Fishing Boat - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Fishing Boat (5x5)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (4x4) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (8x8) - Cost 45 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (4x4)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (12x12) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (8x8)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (16x16) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (12x12)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (16x16)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (20x20)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (24x24)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (28x28)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (36x36) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (32x32)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (40x40) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (36x36)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (44x44) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (40x40)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (48x48) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (44x44)
  • Turbo Fishing Boat (52x52) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Turbo Fishing Boat (48x48)

  • Flower Freezer - Unfreezer Tool - Cost 50 Farmcash

  • Flower Harvester (3x3) - Cost 1,200,000 coins - Level 49
  • Flower Harvester (8x4) - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Flower Harvester (8x8) - Cost 30 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (8x4)
  • Flower Harvester (12x8) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (8x8)
  • Flower Harvester (12x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (12x8)
  • Flower Harvester (16x12) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (12x12)
  • Flower Harvester (16x16) - Cost 40 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (16x12)
  • Flower Harvester (20x20) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (16x16)
  • Flower Harvester (24x24) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (20x20)
  • Flower Harvester (28x28) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (24x24)
  • Flower Harvester (32x32) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (28x28)
  • Flower Harvester (36x36) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (32x32)
  • Flower Harvester (40x40) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (36x36)
  • Flower Harvester (44x44) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (40x40)
  • Flower Harvester (48x48) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (44x44)
  • Flower Harvester (52x52) - Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires Flower Harvester (48x48)

  • Forklift (green) - Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Forklift (purple) - Cost 35 Farmcash - Requires forklift (green)

  • Freestyle Farm Designer (orange)- Cost 40 Farmcash
  • Freestyle Farm Designer (green)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires orange freestlyle farm designer
  • Freestyle Farm Designer (purple)- Cost 50 Farmcash - Requires green freestlyle farm designer

Last edited by Tiger; Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 PM.