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Old May 25 2019, 04:54 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
Posts: 9,400
Default How can I change the name of my farm?

You can only change your own farms name, you can not change anyone else's farm name.

To change your farms name:

  1. You need to be on your own farms.

  2. If you are anywhere else you need to return home and then go to the farm where you want to change the name, if you have more than one farm.

  3. Click on the name of the farm at the top of your game screen and a small window with options will appear.

  4. Click in the box with your current farm name in it. In the example the farm name is Hetty's Farm. Use your computer/laptop keyboard to delete that name then type your new name for the farm.

  5. Then click on the green check to save the change, or the red cross to cancel.

The Select Animal Behaviour in this Farm can be clicked on and changed to a different setting.
  1. Loose Animals on a farm that are not in buildings can be a drain on computer recourses and make a farm difficult to load. Moving animals can also cause the same loading issues.

  2. To change the setting click on it and you will see these options:

  3. Then click on the option you want to use (choose Always Freeze Animals if the animals moving is causing you a problem loading the farm)

  4. Then click on the green check to save the change, or the red cross to cancel.

The Disable Super-Neighbour Farming and Other farmers cannot water flowers options along with more options you will get as you progress in the game and get more farms are explained in the next post down.

Information about Super Neighbours and what they can do for you are explained in the Super Neighbour Chapter Chapter 06 - Super Neighbours?

Last edited by Tiger; Dec 20 2023 at 10:29 AM.