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Old May 11 2019, 11:51 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default What is Show Facility Info?

What is Show Facility Info? When you have more than one farm, this is an easy way to allow you to know how many facilities you have, of each type, on each of your farms. (Factories Workable, Factories Non-Workable, Services, Animal buildings).

Why do I need to know this? Currently you are limited to between 350 and 400 facilities per farm, but this amount can be less as it also depends on how many products you have done in your facilities that you have not stored, OR it can be a combination of both. Note: Dispatched trains and their long cars also count as part of this limit, 1 per locomotive, 1 per long car so you need to take this into account if you have both facilities and trains on a farm.

If you see a message saying "You have too many facilities on this farm, please move some of them to another farm to avoid losing productions" you have reached your limit for facilities on that farm, what you need to do is try storing all the products that are done. If that does not clear the message you will have to move some facilities and/or trains to other farms. Remember, storing a facility will lose the pending and done products in that facility so you may want to wait until production is finished and stored before you move it to another farm. If you are taking part in the Neighbourhood Chains Contest and the facility is listed for the contest, do not store the facility until the contest is over or you will abandon the contest. You will only see the generic warning about storing a facility if you manually store it by clicking on the facility on your farm and using "Add to Storage".

Where do I find Show Facility Info? When you have more than one farm, you will see a green grid top left of your game screen titled Show Names. Each green box below that represents one of your farms.

If you click on "Show Names" then, at the bottom of the screen, on "Show Facility Info" it will bring up a new window like this , but will show you your information.

The legend at the top left of the window represents the different types of facilities. If you mouse over each of the options it will tell you what the colours and letters represent and how many of those types of facilites you own. Example of what you could see when you mouse over FW:

FW - Factories Workable
FN - Factories Non-Workable
SV - Services
AB - Animal Buildings
Each box in the window is one of your farms. Each farm will show you how many of each type of the facilities you own on that farm. If you mouse over each box it will tell you the farm name and the Facility Capacity Used percentage. There is also a blue bar underneath the farm name to represent the Facility Capacity Usage. The longer the blue bar the more you have used. When the Facility Capacity is at 100% and the blue bar is full you must not place any more facilities on that farm. Example of what you could see when you mouse over a farm:

Another way to know the TOTAL amount of facilities you have on ALL farms, without having to count them in Show Facility Info is to use the Facility Manager in the Toolbox.

Open the Facility Manager.

Look for the Funnel filter top right of the window and click on it.
For ALL facilites, Production (regular), Services and Animal Buildings set it to the following:

Click the green check mark to save. Then click Start All at the top of the Facility Manager and read the popup, it tells you in the first sentence at the top. (The information in brackets tells you how many facilities are selected. Selected is any facility that has a check mark in the box for the facility.)

To find out how many Production (regular) AND Services Facilites you have, excluding the Animal Buildings set the Funnel filter to the following:

Click the green check mark to save. Then click the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager and read the popup, it tells you in the first sentence at the top.

To find out only the amount of Production (regular) facilites you have set the Funnel filter to the following:

Click the green check mark to save. Then click the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager and read the popup, it tells you in the first sentence at the top.

To find out only the amount of Service Facilites you have set the Funnel Filter to the following:

Click the green check mark to save. Then click the Load All at the top of the Facility Manager and read the popup, it tells you in the first sentence at the top.

To find out only the amount of Animal Buildings you have set the Funnel Filter to the following:

Click the green check mark to save. Then click the Harvest All at the top of the Facility Manager and read the popup, it tells you in the first sentence at the top.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 10 2023 at 07:54 AM.