Thread: Updated Chapter 16: Land upgrades
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Old Jul 30 2018, 07:50 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default How Do i Navigate from farm to farm

You can navigate easily with the Farm Selector grid tool seen at the top left of your game screen.

It is located between your coins amount and message envelope.

You will see this grid when you have at least 4 farms.

If you mouse over the grid it will expand and you will then see SHOW NAMES at the top of the grid.
This example shows 32 farms.

Underneath "SHOW NAMES" each of the rectangles represents one of your farms. The top row left to right are farms 1 to 4, the second row underneath are farms 5 to 8 and so on.

If you hover over that grid it will expand so you can see it easier.

The yellow rectangle represents the farm you are currently on. If you hover over each of the rectangles it will show you the name of each farm, the size it is and if it is Fertilised, Watered or Irrigated. If you click on one of the rectangles it will take you to that farm.

Clicking on "SHOW NAMES" will open a new window showing you all your farms. If you click on the name of a farm it will take you to that farm.

Show Extra Farm Info when clicked on....
  • will show you information on which farms are:

    F - Fertilized
    I - Irrigated
    W - Watered
    Q - Quest
    P - Private
    D - Disabled for Super Neighbour farming actions
    O - Watering of flowers is disabled UNLESS you hire someone, including super neighbours, to harvest the flowers on that farm.

    Full details on how to set a farm with any of the options can be seen in Chapter 2 Can I make a farm Private?

    If you mouse over the coloured Legend top left it will tell you what those colours and letters represent, should you forget them.

  • If you mouse over the farm names with the sizes it will also tell you if the farm can be upgraded and what it will cost.

    In this example the farm is currently size 34x34 and the next expansion for it will cost 30 billion coins or 40 FarmCash to expand to 36x36, which is the next size for that farm:

    60x60 is the largest farm size at this time.

Show Facility Info when clicked on will show you how many of each type of facility you have.

The legend at the top left of the window represents the different types of facilities.
If you mouseover each of the options it will tell you what the colours and letters represent and how many of those types of facilities you own.

In this section, each box in the window represents one of your farms.
When you mouseover them you will see the Facility Capacity Used out of 100% for that farm.
In the example below you can see that the blue bar under the farm name is almost at the end of the whole box. This means that facility capacity is very high so that farm is near it's limit for the amount of facilities that can be on that farm:

NOTE: Facility capacity also includes the amount of working locomotives and long cars on the farm as part of the Facility Capacity. Each locomotive counts as 1, each Farm Cash Long Car counts as one. One train with all 19 long cars on it counts as 20 towards the facility capacity limit.

"Show Work Info" when clicked on will show you where you have work ready to be done on your farms.
This is an example of what you could see..

When you mouseover the legend top left of the window it will tell you what the letters and each colour represents.

Show Product Names - Located in the top left, below the colored legend, it will show the most common product present on each farm. Plow Fields, Harvested Fields and Gone to Waste Fields will never be shown.
When you mouse over each farm it will show a tooltip with the 10 most common products present on that farm.
In this example there far more than 10 different items ready to work so it can't list all of them.

To the right of Show Product Names is a dropdown menu that will allow you to see the numbers of workable items that will become ready in different timeframes.

The default behavior is to see what is ready to work NOW (Ready now), at the current time. The dropdowns will allow you to choose different time intervals, like ready within 2 hours, 4 hours, 24 hours etc, and in the specific case of the crops, you will also be able to see how many of the crops will become wasted within 2 hours, 4 hours, etc.

Some of this info can also be seen in the Farm Stats screen. It will be up to you to decide which method works best for you.

There are also differences with the time intervals between this method and the time intervals in Farm Stats.

In the Farm Stats screen the intervals do not overlap, meaning they are 1-2 hours, 2-3 hours, 3-4 hours, etc.

In the Show Work Info ALL of them overlap, one time interval is included in the next time interval, which can provide some speed advantages on some scenarios.

This dropdown is not visible on the first 2 job types, Fields to Plow and Seeds to Plant.

Show Quantities top left of this window will return you to the previous window where you were showing what work was ready on your farms.

Show Names will return you back to the window displaying all your farms names.

Show User Info when clicked on will show you with a blue circle on the farm name, which farms your workers are on.

The three blue circles at the top right show you if they are "Working, Connected", "Working, Disconnected" or are "Idle, Connected"

When you visit another farmers farm and they own more than one farm, you will also see this grid. When visiting or working for a farmer, the grid changes to represent the farms of the farm owner instead of your own. To return to your own farms after going to someone else farm a Home icon will show bottom right of your game screen that you can click on to go back to your own farm(s).

Last edited by Tiger; Dec 20 2023 at 05:41 PM.