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Old May 07 2018, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by WingmanFarm View Post
This is getting out of hand.

I commented before about freezing issues and is anything it is getting worse and worse. I MUST log out of FT every time I work another farmers farms before I go anywhere. If I go to the marketplace, my avatar freezes or I cannot chat. If I go home I cannot open my cargo ships or facilities.

Recently when being hired and there is another worker I will go to another of that farmer's farm --however it freezes and gets stuck on "joining room". I was just on a job all by myself , finished one farm and clicked to go to the next. Again I get to joining room and it freezes. This is worse than just a freeze go out of FT and all ok. I actually have to turn off my computer.

Oh and the new feature of being able to rejoin back to the farm --it like so many things does not work. Another glitch to add to the ever growing list.
Hi Wingman,
I moved your post to the current release subject thread. The developers are still working to try and solve these hiring problems. Please be patient until they can find and fix the problems.

As far as you freezing on a farm while you are working try turning off all items in the preferences that you are not currently working on. Then when you finish that job switch to the next item you need to work on. If you are freezing so much that you have to restart the computer then it sounds more like a memory problem which unchecking the show items you do not need will help.
Dubh Glais Estates
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