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Old May 03 2018, 04:41 PM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 716

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Pigtails,
I have moved your post to the release announcement as the developers are still working on the hiring. That function is currently disabled as stated by Raul:

Post-Release Info - April 27th, 11:00PM

- While we continue troubleshooting the issue of missing Hire Request confirmation messages, we will be disabling and enabling again the 'Employee remaining hired after a browser crash' feature (2.a above). Currently it is disabled.
I have not experienced these types of problems myself, but thanks for reminding us. I have over 3000 friends listed as having farmed in the past or present, but many of them are afraid to ask questions in the Forum for various reasons such as fear of asking "stupid questions" or looking foolish for reporting things. So if I see these issues pop up on the Facebook wall I will at least have the information to pass along to them.

Friends don't let friends boot from hard drives! A real friend would recommend an SSD. Or better yet NVME.