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Old Apr 18 2018, 07:38 AM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 717

Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne View Post
Hi Qivis,

What job is she doing when she gets that message? Is it just harvest crops or other items as well? Does she have any fuel?

An SN just tried trees, who has fuel and that seems to be working ok.
She prefers crops but does other things as well. I suggested to her that she try clearing the Farm Town memcache but apparently she is having similar problems on the farms of others even after trying that.

What I did learn though is that she did not know that the available fuel is shown on screen while she is working on other farms. She asked how she would know when her own fuel is used up. So I think she probably did use it up and was trying to use mine when it hit zero. I also do not know what browsers other than Chrome she may use if this would make a difference.

Friends don't let friends boot from hard drives! A real friend would recommend an SSD. Or better yet NVME.