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Old Mar 03 2018, 10:08 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave L View Post
Until very recently, when working neighbours' facilities, the game would connect me to one of four different servers. Each neighbour's farm would always connect me to the same one of these servers. Having worked out which neighbour connected to which server, I could work up to four neighbour's facilities at the same time, in different browser windows.
Now I find that ALL neighbours are connecting to the same server, so I can only connect to one neighbour at a time.
This means that it will take me about 1.5 to 2 hours a day if I want to respond to all the neighbours who ask for help. Up to now it has taken maybe half an hour.
Why has this changed? It is a *HUGE* pain.
Hi Dave L,

You get changed from one server to another to help balance out the load on the servers to try to keep from one server getting overloaded and slowing down with many players on the game at that time. This is done automatically by the servers and not something a person goes in and does. Recently there was a problem with 2 of the servers so they were taken offline to be fixed, which is probably why you see the change.

It shouldn't be stopping you working facilites even if they are on the same servers. For each tab you open to work facilites, try taking the game offline before you open another one and see if that helps you.

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