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Old Apr 13 2017, 10:10 PM
mindyj5 mindyj5 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 19 2009
Posts: 26

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi mindyj,
When you got to the farm what was the first tool that came up? For me it was always the boat, tree shaker or the logtruck. The crop tools were the last one that showed.
If there are crops ready, the combine h/p comes up first. When I'm done with it, it blinks slightly and is still there. If I choose to plant with the combine, when I'm done, the h/p tool appears. It should switch to the next thing in line.

Prior to this, when I finished the h/p, the chopper would appear, then the boat, the flowers and the shaker last (depending on what needed done). If there are no crops and no choppers, the boat would come up, and so on.
Now, it is always the h/p combine, I have to go into tools to pick up the next tool I need. Say that is choppers, when I finish chopping, the h/p tool appears when it should be the boat and so on. It always goes back to the h/p.