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Old Apr 12 2017, 11:22 PM
Aussie Rae Aussie Rae is offline
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Originally Posted by Rugged Barbie View Post
Here's something new for me.
I take some tabs offline all of the same farm.
After a few minutes, the tabs start refreshing so that when I go to that tab it is reloading going back online.
Plus, if I get to a tab that hasn't reloaded, it has the big pop-up in the middle of it saying I have been offline for 10 minutes and only offers a green check button for me to click to go back online so I have to work around it.
Now, I bought ALL THE EX TOOLS so that I could do plowing. NO, I don't want tech support to help me plow. I want to know if new coding has been added to prevent us from opening multiple tabs and trying to force us to click the green check button to go back online.
Never happened before the EX Tools were released.
None of the above happens to me... I would think it has something to do with whatever browser you use or your computer.. must be frustrating for you with all this happening and I hope it gets fixed soon so you can enjoy farmtown again...