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Old Dec 23 2016, 07:17 PM
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Default What is the Seaport Manager?

What is the Seaport Manager?

The Seaport Manager is where you can see and send all Ships that are docked at your Port and prepare, dispatch and reorder your own itinerary for your own ships. You can do this from any farm. You can also add the Seaport Manager as a shortcut and then you can use it everywhere including in the Markets. For instructions on how use shortcuts click on this link: Shortcut Icon detailed information

Once you have bought and placed your ships, if you wish you can store them and use this Seaport Manager to manage your ships. Cargo Ships do count towards storage capacity, however you can delete them if you wish and then use the seaport manager to prepare, dispatch and unload them as they do not get deleted from data.

You need to check the Seaport Manager every now and then to help anyone that has dispatched Ships and have you as one of their ports. If you need to help someone with their Ship there will be a number in red showing on the Ship Manager icon in the yellow Tool box.
  • Example of 2 ships on Seaport Manager inside Tool box.
  • There will also be a number on the Tool box icon, but this could be either ships or trains that your friends have sent to you to boost or a combination of both so the number may be different.

  • The counter is updated approximately every 10 minutes as you work your farms.

To Open the Seaport Manager, click on the Tool Box and then click on the Seaport Manager icon. From there you will be able to see all Ships docked at your Port, waiting for you to Load all their containers with products. Every ship will require a number of clicks to be fully loaded, one to enter the ship and then one for every container loaded on that ship, so this can vary from 2 clicks to 11 clicks, and is based on how many containers are loaded onto the ship.

You can speed this process up if you own the Overhead Cranes. Each Crane will allow you to load the ship of the same colour with one click. When you own all the Overhead Cranes, this will enable the Load All top left of the window which allows you to load all products on all ships, that are showing at your port at the time, with just one click. The Overhead Cranes can also help you with your own ship if it gets stuck at a port, provided it is not at the last port. Here's the link to find out all details on how they work What are the Overhead Cranes?.

If anyone's Ships are waiting at your port you will see something similar to this. This picture shows two Ships waiting at your Port.

The A-Z filter top right lets you show the ships by Wait Time or by Ship Name.

The buttons underneath the profile picture as you mouseover each ship shows you the kind of relationship you have with the owner of that ship: Neighbour or Buddy.
You can click on that button to visit the farms of that farmer..

If you do not wish to receive any more ships from the person who sent you one you can remove yourself from being their neighbour or buddy. Click on the blue button beneath their picture to take yourself to their farm, then look bottom left of the screen for a yellow tool box and click on it.

You will then see this:

Click on this to remove yourself as their neighbour.

Click on this to remove yourself as their buddy

When you see Manage on a Ship at your port, you can click on Manage to add that farm to either your Neighbour List or Buddy list if you have room to add them.
Manage means that farmer has you as their Neighbour.
For more information on Manage on Shop[s please click on this link:

For each ship in your Port, hover your mouse over the white box and "Enter Ship" will appear. Click on "Enter Ship" to proceed.

You then need to click on "Load Products" multiple times to get the progress bar to 100%. You will have then helped that person's Ship.

The amount of clicks it takes to "Load Products" depends on how many containers are on the ship.
1 click to enter the ship, then 1 click per container, so the most clicks it will take to fully load a ship will be 11 clicks. You will also earn coins and products for every container you load. The amount of coins and products you earn depends on your game level, how fast you sent the ship on and how many containers were on the ship. Full Details are in another post or you can click on How Rewards for sending a Ship on is Calculated.

Once you have finished loading products the Ship will disappear.

Any Ships that show up with a pink background are the ships that have returned home due to the 7 days time being up. It takes 1 click to clear those from the seaport manager.
This is what a ship returning home looks like:

When you hover over the box you will see "Hide Ship".

Click on "Hide Ship" to hide it.

In this section you can see the status of all your ships, where they are, how long they have been there, trip remaining time, which ship is being prepared and which ships are idle.

The RED Eye top right of the My Ships section of the Seaport Manager allows you to hide ships that you own that you don't want to see in the Seaport Manager. You may want to do that for any ships that you have sold, added to storage or are using as a decoration.

To show/hide specific ships:
  • Click on the RED eye and it will change to BLACK.
  • You will see a pop up telling you what to do.

    This pop up only shows once per session.

  • Click the green check mark on the pop up and you will be able to see that there is a check box top left of each of your ships. Example:
  • Remove the check mark for the ships you no longer want to see in the seaport manager. Example:

  • When you have finished making your changes, click on the eye again and it will change back to RED OR you can click the X top right of the box to close. The check boxes will disappear and the seaport manager will then update. The ships that you removed the check mark on will no longer be showing.

  • When you want to see a ship that you have hidden, just click on the eye again, add the check mark back for the ship you want to see. Click the eye to save or click on the X to close the window.

The A-Z filter top right lets you show the ships by:
  • Cont. Prep. Time - Container preparation time
  • Port Name
  • Trip Remaining Time
  • Trip Remaining Ports

If you hover over one of the boxes you will see "Open". If you then click on "Open" it will take you to that ships logbook, where you can manage your ships to prepare containers, dispatch, skip ports, unload or Self Load.

Remember, as mentioned earlier in this post, if your ship gets stuck at a port for a long time the Overhead Cranes can allow you to Self Load that ship to move it on to the next port rather than Skip the Port, provided it is not the at the last port.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 08:17 AM.