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Old Dec 23 2016, 09:55 AM
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Default How do i Skip a Port?

How do i skip a Port?

If your ship gets stuck at a port you can choose to skip that port so it moves on to the next Port.

OR, If you own the Overhead Cranes, you can choose to Self Load the products on a ship that has been stuck for a specified time or longer, so it can move to the next port, as long as it is not the last port. How often you can do this and how many times depends on the Overhead Crane you own. Here's the link to find out all details on how they work What are the Overhead Cranes?

Skipping a port lowers the rewards of every port after it, the rewards of any remaining port shifts to the right. For example, if the reward on port 28 is 1000 products, port 29 is 2000 products and port 30 is 3000 products, then if you skip port 28, the reward on port 28 (the one you skipped) will be 0, port 29 will be 1000 products and port 30 will be 2000 products. You basically gave up the chances of earning 3000 products (not 1000) by skipping port 28.

You can not skip the last port on a ships itinerary. If your ship gets stuck there it will stay there until the 7 days are up and then it will return home.

To skip a Port: Either use the Seaport Manager (explained later in this Chapter) to get to all your ships OR click on the Ship and select "Show Ship Details".

Then click on the Ships Logbook.

This sections tells you the status of your ship. It will show you where your ship is, how long it has been there, and who it will travel to next.

The Port your ship is docked at will have a yellow background and you will see "Skip Port" in the box

Click on "Skip Port". You will see a warning pop up telling you what you are about to do and that you will be lowering the amount of products available to load in future ports.
If you click the green check mark, the port will be skipped, the box will turn grey and your ship will move on to the next port.

This is an example of a skipped port

NOTE: If you skip a port before a closed port, that closed port will then show up with a red Skip Port button. This allows you to check if your friend has temporarily closed their port. If their port remains closed, you must click "Skip Port" to skip them and let your ship move on to the next port. Example:

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 08:16 AM.