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Old Nov 06 2016, 10:29 AM
mcdaddie mcdaddie is offline
Join Date: Dec 02 2010
Posts: 136

At the bottom of the update notes I found the following: "- Users joining the Neighborhood Chains Contest on Saturday or Sunday were putting into groups where the amount of facilities of each neighborhood was very unbalanced, we fixed that today, if you still experience something similar in future contests please let us know."

This is to let you know per your request that this week the "unbalance" is worse than I have ever seen it. In my NCC the range of number of facs is from 412 to 504. (504, 484, 468, 439, 436, 429, 427, 424, 412, 412). I don't think this is a very good balance of fac quantities and feel your formula still requires a bit of tweaking.