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Old May 01 2016, 08:55 AM
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NiMo1960 NiMo1960 is offline
Join Date: Jan 27 2010
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Originally Posted by billwilliams View Post
due to the greed of the developers, who take two weeks to change a gift giving option, by not only first removing the option to begin with, but to increase the initial. instead work working on known problems that have been there for years, lag, hop barley oat residual on 9x farms, buggy and glitched updates that could be avoided... etc instead of fixing these known items they increase their own bottom line, as if we didn't spend enough playing this game in the first place.
when the greed of the game developers out weigh the fun of the game it is time to stop! for me this has happened, it has become worse over the years and they refuse to change or fix the problems that have existed for years, why dont they fix these problems, it is very simple really, the truly do not care, they have proven that by ignoring it, and they will continue to ignore it.
I am having to disagree highly with this comment.
Farm Town is the LESS GREEDY game out of many game I have played or still play.
I will keep paying for FT as it is my #1 game on FB.
As for lag problems, well I have discovered that graphics is the issue and not bugs within the game. I upgraded my graphics card in my main machine and can now load FT farms (of my own) in full screen mode without issues, although it does slow when trying to load every item on that farm, hence why I hide all but crops trees flowers and ponds when I play.
My other pc which I play FT on with a 2nd account (yes I'm an addict) is a much older machine with only a single core processor, so only one item is shown at any one one (ie crops or trees), and when working farms I only show the top corner of the crop field section to keep the speed up. I can only use this pc as I upgraded with the same graphics card (would not load FT before this card) but the pc is too old and slow.
I will soon be forking out £210 for a new motherboard and i5 processor for my main pc then using the old board and chip in my older pc so I can then play FT properley on both pc's.
FT has become very heavy on memory and graphics, but a little money on pc items can easily overcome these game issues, and no you do not need the latest DDR4 set up, DDR3 boards with series 4 i5 1150 chips will easily manage the game.
(had to get that of my chest)