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Old Apr 21 2016, 11:11 AM
Tom C Tom C is offline
Join Date: Jun 30 2009
Posts: 222

Here in the USA it will cost 49.98 to get 305 farm cash. Problem is a lot of people don't have that kind of money to spend just to help other people out. I also know that it will not matter to those running the game. Think about it, we get 25 new levels every few months, tell me what factory or tool cost 25 fc. I know there are a couple that are cheap but they came out when the game first started having factories and most long time players like my self already have those ones. Another thing look at the co op quest you get 2 fc a week if you are lucky enough, that means it will take you a little over 4 months to get 35 fc. You do earn fc for regular quest also. So that would cut the 4 months down some. But even so you will not be able to keep up with the fc items coming out that you need to play the game.

Farming since April 26 2009

Last edited by Tom C; Apr 21 2016 at 11:20 AM.