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Old Nov 18 2015, 11:04 AM is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2009
Location: Lakes Region, New Hampshire
Posts: 167

Originally Posted by RoseArienh View Post
Taz, the problem I had with this (mentioned in the post above) was that even though "only me" was the choice I picked, it absolutely would not change from "your friends". I cancelled, tried again, cancelled and tried a third time, and had no success. I just went into Farm Town and tried it with a request for help in facilities, and the same thing happened. (I changed it to "only me", and it still shows up as "your friends".)
Taz, Rose is describing exactly what is happening. When you choose "only me" or "custom" that choice does NOT register and it defaults to "friends" or "public" It seems to default to the choice that was present before you chose "only me" or "custom"