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Old Oct 31 2015, 02:34 PM
Petuniaflower Petuniaflower is offline
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Originally Posted by Queen.of.Clutter View Post
Just wanted to add my 2 cents ..... the Developers are working on fixing all of these issues, and I just want to say "Thank You!" to them ! Sure, things are a little wonky now, but they ALWAYS fix them .... and we really do have to appreciate the fact that they actually LISTEN to the players ... There is NO other game that does this ..... Granted, it is very frustrating when the game is not running correctly ... but if everyone can just take a moment to think about it .... it's really not often at all that we have problems - and when we DO ... the developers are on top of it. This latest mess is NOT on Farm Town nor Slashkey, but because of freakin' Flash ....... yet it's the Developers of Farm Town that are putting up with all the complaints and trying to find a work-around for the mess ....

Let's all just take a second, think about it, then tell Slashkey "THANK YOU" for listening to us!
I 1st, 2nd 3rd etc etc...I appreciated Raul and the Dev's too.I am sure at times they feel like putting their hands up and saying ENOUGH! So happy they don't. MANY THANK YOUS COMING FROM THE PETUNIA FARM'S