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Old Jan 08 2014, 05:22 PM
Shellgirlmtl Shellgirlmtl is offline
Join Date: Jul 22 2009
Posts: 119

Thank you for the new goodies... I love the new facilities but I have a gripe to pick with you, which is rare, but this time I feel I have to say I am a bit disappointed... Considering the 2 new facs need silk textile rolls that you did not increase the production in the mills... players have been requesting this increase for some time now and a few releases back you did increase the amount in the Long Sliding-Door Car but not in the Textile Mill... I strongly feel the production should be the same amount as the sheep & llama wool rolls, 360 units in the Mills and 510 units in the train cargo car... This morning when I first filled up my Textile Mills (15), I realized the 'bonus batches sent to production' (never understood how that works) were actually added in the mills (sheep & llama wool increased from 360 to 384 and silk from 270 to 348) and was jumping for joy, but my joy quickly dissipated once I closed my Facility Mgr & reopened it, all amounts were back to 360 & 270... It would be nice if you allowed it...

Also, now that we can expand all 20 farms to 36x36, please let it stop there, no more expansions (I have suggestions for this which I will post in the Suggestion section at another time)... I have no problems with loading large farms most of the time but when I do it's not only large farms, the loading is lagging on smaller farms too, 20x20, 26x26, it doesn't make a difference the size of the farm, they all lag when loading... Could this problem be, not with our computers or whether we have large farms or not, but with the FT servers and that the strain of the programming for the large farms across the board is too much for the servers to handle???...

As always, I love this game and I thank each and everyone of you for doing all that you do for our enjoyment!!!...

Farming since February 7, 2009
Level 1200+
Farms 1-39 @46x46
Farm 40 @50x50
Farms 41 @42x42 & 42 @36x36


Last edited by Shellgirlmtl; Jan 08 2014 at 05:29 PM.