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Old Jan 08 2014, 11:53 AM
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Don't feed the beggers Don't feed the beggers is offline
Join Date: Jul 02 2009
Posts: 255

Grr lost my whole reply..

I am selfish, I am on original and like every other original we got where we are by doing things the old fashioned way....1x1'ing it all, NO tools, etc etc I got there 1 step at a time just like everyone else.

To get there faster I was required to use MONEY to buy tools and after you spend real money on those tools you realize you just paid a small fortune to get ahead a little faster.

Now anyone can do that? WITHOUT having had to pay a friggen dime? I (and everyone else who bought tools) are paying so that others can get ahead, I earned my level and my xps on my own, why shouldn't I be upset that little "Jo farmer" gets a free ride using the money that me and others have spent? We paid to get an advantage no we no longer have that.

if they wanna use my tools fine, but you gotta help me pay for them, it isn't fair that we get no say in that. I want a rental fee, I want some of my FC refunded if they won't, don't, can;t etc pay for tools than why should they be able to use ours???? They were MY investment not "jo Farmer's"

so yes if this makes me selfish than so be it, I was very happy with this game until this morning, when I read what will be happening.
it may not be the best, it may not be the prettiest, and it's certainly is not the most creative but it's mine and I like it. feel free to visit me but please leave complaints and begging at your own farm.