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Old Dec 22 2013, 08:26 AM is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2009
Location: Lakes Region, New Hampshire
Posts: 167

Originally Posted by ccheney View Post
I have 7 farms and am happy with that. I don't plan to expand them further anytime soon or buy more. You need to use some FC to buy land and expand. It is impossible to buy all 20 farms and do all the expansions with the billions of coins required to do it.
You are right, it is impossible to expand to 20 farms as a new player, unless you have unlimited real dollars to purchase FC. I notice that you joined in Sept of 13. I am an "older" player, joined in June of 09. At that time, this game was in its infancy, and we had only one farm. We played, made new friends, and grew our farms. Slowly, we got new facilities, farms, tools, and grew our farms.

One of the strengths of this game is the friends that we have made. I have farmer friends literally all over this world, with whom I can converse in real time. These farmers share information with each other as well as gifts and well wishes. John A. did not steer you wrong in suggesting that you not spend FC on expanding your farms. FC is much harder to earn than the coins in this game.

As a new player, this game can be intimidating, in that there is just sooo.... much to purchase, that it is hard to know where to begin. Another thing that is interesting about this game, is that it affords players the ability to "play their own way". I have many farmer friends who do not care how many facilities, or exps that they have, they just love to decorate, and they spend all their coins, and yes, FC buying the things that they can decorate with. Others fight to get the most exps. Even those who fight to get the most exps have formulated different pathways. Others attempt to increase their diversification rank, etc., etc.

My advice to you is to just play, the coins will come in. At this point I have more than 134 BILLION coins and nothing to buy with them. I know, poor me. I still have that "red mansion" on my farm 1, it cost 1 million coins. At the time there were few houses, and the red mansion was one of my goals. Needless to say, I have surpassed that goal.

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