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Old Nov 23 2013, 05:51 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 936
Default Farm Town Christmas presents?

Last year, a friend of mine was able to go to her account (which she no longer uses) reactivate it, and send me various Farm Town tools that I had on my Christmas list. It was AWESOME! I got tons of stuff that way.

I read something about this being different this year? People can't do that anymore? Is that true? If so, is there a way I can ask her to send me FC so I can buy the tools I want myself? It's not as much fun that way but still gets the job done. This same friend just sent me an email asking what I wanted for Christmas so I want to know what to tell her.

My cat's account, Farmer Squeak, needs neighbors. Please add her if you have room:

Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.

Farmer Squeak didn't really get started until the web game was ready. Her Facebook Account didn't work. She's been going great guns since then, though!
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