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Old Apr 24 2013, 12:09 AM
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GarrettHillBabe GarrettHillBabe is offline
Getting Started ( Level 1 )
Join Date: Nov 30 2009
Location: NJ, MO, FL
Posts: 115
Farmer Since: Mar 27 2009
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I've done everything to get rid of this problem....I can not see my neighbors postings...I've tried the link we have in FT to see if I could help with their work that way but while I can see who posted they're all out of date!

Yesterday for instance went to that link (I have it on my toolbar) kept scrolling trying to find something not expired. Finally found 2, they were the last two on list....So I did get to help at least 2 neighbors.

There are times I post work and many can't see my posting. BTW, those 2 I found? Was strange, said name and had a box with what the work was there, no like, comment, click to work.

I've cleared FT cache, Flash cache, Google browser help there...I've uninstalled and reinstalled Flash, disabled Google flash version and used just flash and not helping either...I've run my program to check for any bad areas and all is showing fine...

Is this trouble on FT end or is it Google or FB or is it all 3???? Help please, I need to work my neighbor's facilities when they post, short on coins since spent on farm 18 and new facilities as well.
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