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Old Apr 22 2013, 01:41 PM
CynthiaSue CynthiaSue is offline
Join Date: Jun 04 2009
Posts: 482

I would be thrilled about the new tools if money was no issue, but add it up. I bought alot of the loaders, but not all, so I actually don't load facilities that I don't have a loader for. It takes too much time. Now if I want to speed up the facilities I have, I have to buy turbo loaders, 4 out, many to go. Than after all those are out, there will more than likely be a super turbo loader that loads my guess is all the facilties that 2 of the turbo loaders load in one click. Than there will be another super super turbo loader that loads all the facilities that 2 super turbo loaders load in one click, etc........ So by the time you are done with it, you will have invested a small fortune in loaders alone. So if loading is too cumbersome and you don't have the real money to buy the turbo loaders, than just don't bother loading your facilities very often, if at all. That is what I do. Of course if you need coins, it is no good answer as it is probably the best way to make lots of coins. It is really the same as the harvesters, plower, seeders, combines. They have made it so that you have to spend alot of farm cash to get these things. I only have the seeder. I chose to spend my farmcash on loaders and manure truck and meat truck and some stupid things I bought before facilities came out or before I realized these tools were coming out. I started playing way too early on. Would ahve been a lot better off to have started after all these things came out so I could have chosen wisely.
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