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Old Jan 19 2013, 03:37 AM
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Gregh Gregh is offline
Join Date: May 26 2009
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by Electrox View Post
That was as an example... time left on say pig pen, wool, rabbit, etc. yes, cow barn will be 8 hr or less.

im not seeing it yet either.
The picture attached to my post was not an example but an actual screenshot from my farm after I'd harvested all the barns and reloaded the game. When I went to the farm and clicked on the cow barn it showed 8 hours but the facility manager showed 10. Two hours later, my barns now say 6 hrs but the facility manager says 8 hrs.

The previous post was based on my MySpace farm. On Facebook, my pigsties claim they have 14 hours to go in the fac manager (not the 12 hours they actually have to go if I click on a sty).

But even though the numbers displayed may be wrong, the simple fact that the game now tells me I needn't bother clicking on certain barns yet is really, really nice.

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