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Old Jun 16 2012, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Barbell View Post
Hi Kitt, I always feel so stupid when I get the answer that should be obvious to me. I do think though that the explanation of lifelines should be a little clearer. I have one more question. When I click on the lifeline, do I have to click on whatever is underneath it for it to work, or does opening it start the process. (hope that is a clear ?).
I really, really appreciate your help, I thank you so very much, I would never ever have thought of the answer you gave me. thank you again. Barb
That is why the forum is good, others might have the answer you couldn't think of, as for whether you have to click to activate it, I believe as soon as you click the lifeline, which ever lifeline is given is activated automatically. I have not heard of anyone saying they had to activate it and remember they are random so you might not always get the lifeline you need.
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