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Old May 07 2012, 10:36 PM
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AussieGecko AussieGecko is offline
Join Date: Nov 08 2009
Location: Australia
Posts: 167
Talking Happy Camper!

I too used the stone paths as a layering tool as it covered more area than the dirt paths. I am happy they have returned the paths to have the glitch we came to love so much. I am happy even if that's the only layering tool we have. As I said before, I can live with that.

Some people did prefer to layer with the stone path as it covered a bigger area. Perhaps to satisfy everyone, a square path could be made to use as a layering tool. The dirt paths can then be made to sit below items again and EVERYONE will be's just a thought.

BTW Devs thank you again for listening and taking action so quickly. You rock!!!!