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Old Mar 21 2012, 10:52 PM
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HelenJS22 HelenJS22 is offline
Join Date: Jul 20 2009
Location: Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Posts: 1,647

If you harvested your own grown wheat then 10 plots should have counted, but if you harvested someone else's wheat from a lifeline, then you need to do 100 plots to get it to count.

The quests are obviously designed to be done in the order things would be done in the real world. We have to harvest the sugar cane before we can make the sugar, and the pumpkins before we can make the pie.

I'm sure I was allowed to make the sugar while pumpkins were not harvested .... I just had to wait for the pumpkins to make the pie.

It would quite spoil the whole idea of the quests if the steps were allowed to be done out of the designed order.
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