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Old Feb 27 2012, 09:42 PM
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Miamine Miamine is offline
Join Date: Mar 03 2009
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Default A Quest is supposed to be hard or impossible

Am I the only one who is happy that some quests can't be completed. It's supposed to be a "Quest", and quests are supposed to be hard, some quests are even impossible, but the knight still goes out and try's hard. I've only had one quest I couldn't do, and even that was fun, I bothered everyone at the marketplace and all my neighbours trying to find the big sea coast, in the end it was pointless, because I needed to have it myself. Click bypass quest until I have the one where I have everything on the farm and it takes 2 seconds, doesn't sound fun to me. I like the sense of mystery and difficulty.

The more farm town gets easy, the unhappier I become. I've been playing slowly from the begining, but because of the facilities I've been leveling up too fast... sigh.. soon we'll just have to click one button, and the game will play itself.

It would however be fun to get a "neighbours facility lifeline", then we can try to find the right friend so we can keep bothering them to post their stuff.... I can see arguments happening there.
Happy Farming All
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