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Old Jan 12 2012, 11:02 PM
jcassemjr jcassemjr is offline
Join Date: Aug 23 2011
Location: Danville, IL
Posts: 136

Originally Posted by In8Sense View Post
This is the text from a portion of the latest upgrade document: "5. Maximun 12 hour earning cap increased: Currently you can earn up to 1,000,000 coins every 12 hour from Ingredient Posts and another 1,000,000 coins every 12 hour from Bonus Posts. For users in higher levels instead of 1,000,000 this limit will be increased as follows:

Levels 100-199 -> 3,000,000 coins
Levels 200-299 -> 4,000,000 coins
Levels 300-399 -> 5,000,000 coins "

As this is worded, does this mean that we, at level 285, can get 4 mil of products valued in coins from ingredients postings AND another 4 mil from bonus' postings? If that is the case, then I have some serious doubts that the 'counters' are really working appropriately, as my amounts gained on ingredients have been severely curtailed by my prior amounts gained by the bonus', and am asking because it has occurred to me that perhaps this is a glitch that no one has noticed. I was an accountant for over 40 years and the coins just don't seem to be adding up right to me!

Thanks for your help with this issue.
I have clearly been getting 4,000,000 in each "bucket". Daily I try to click 1 request from each of my neighbors every 12 hours for each type, if they have posted a request. I will reach the "can you send me..." maximum very quickly almost every 12 hour period, but I am still able to receive the Belt/Dan bonuses even when I am maxed out on the "can you send me..." bonuses. I am sure that the 400,000,000 buckets are working correctly for me. And I am fairly certain that the build up to the max is also tracking correctly, for me. I will see where neighbors have helped my post, and have had 30-45 bonuses in my gift box almost daily, in addition to the ones I collect. And since I have only been posting "can you send me..." items that my neighbors can't work (crude oil, ingredients for Stainless and Copper), which are high value ingredients, given the cost I pay when I start them, it adds up fast on my end. I also only post the valuable belt bonuses like cheese, wool production items, sugar, crude, etc), I see many of them coming into my gift box as well. Still, 400,000,000 isn't that great, given the items I post and my neighbors send, when I also send many, many items daily that go directly to my storage.

I think the challenge we have is that we don't see the products we receive when we click our neighbors' bonuses in our gift box, so we forget that we have helped so many of our neighbors out.

Finally, I must say, that the rewards from Slashkey on the on-going increased yields is of far greater value, IMHO, to us as players than the 400,000,000 we received daily from the belt/dan posts. I keep that in mind, when there is something I would really like to collect from my FB wall, but have reached the max for the type of bonus.
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