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Old Sep 18 2011, 05:38 PM
dianedrayson dianedrayson is offline
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Originally Posted by StoneFace View Post
How would anything like THAT be good for the game or the players....

It would discourage completely the new players

It would discourage those who don't have an extra $300-400 laying around

It would really peeve off those of us who have played and worked the game and bought the tools we wanted when we could buy them

I'm sorry if I confused you. This is a forum to express opinions and dreams and wishes (as well as gripes) and I expressed what I personally would like, knowing that I will go ahead and buy all of these tools anyway and thinking how I would rather choose to do it.

As for my dreaming, look at the Maths. Lately they've been selling us 2 tools, at around 30 farm cash each, every 3 weeks. It would not take long for us to get ahead if they would only sell us a multi-tool.

They could still keep the option for separate tools to be bought if that's what people wanted, and keep releasing them slowly, but have a multi-option on the side for those who like to pay money out ahead and get a bargain.

I know I'm only dreaming and it's not how farm town works, but my love of buying in bulk (and my strong desire to get all the multi-click tools NOW) makes me want to do something like this. lol

As for money, I find in some cases (but not all) it depends on priorities. My need to click less might outweigh my need for other things. At one point I seriously cut down on my chocolate consumption and spent the money on farm town. Then I visited the library more and bought fewer books and used that money on farm town. Some people might visit the pub less or cut down on their smoking (both things I don't do). Others might just put up with clicking the long way for another three months or so while they saved up for it. (And I recognise that farm cash tools are just not affordable for some people at all, and that there is nothing we can do about that, except to occasionally send farm cash certificates to friends, as I have done.)

I'm sorry if my post was a bit thoughtless.