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Old Sep 04 2011, 01:28 AM
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Originally Posted by peachy51 View Post
Cookie, this is from Raul's post release update:

"-Some users wants to revive flowers but without doubling growth speed for crops in that farm: The red sprinkler in addition to doubling the growth speed, will also extend the gone to waste time, so even if you double the growth speed unintentionally by reviving your flowers, you will have the same time as before to harvest your crops, this will effectively remove the need to have the brown water sprinkler in the toolbox or storage."

So it seems it doesn't matter if they get speeded up. We will have the option to harvest them at a sooner time, but they will not go to waste until they would have if they had not been speeded up.

I was feeling the way you did until I went back and read all the post release notes.
Thank you for that