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Old Aug 31 2011, 09:37 AM
paulcr paulcr is offline
Join Date: Sep 04 2009
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by dojewo View Post
ok, I had to go back and re-water each farm and I finally got the "w" on each one, thanks for the fix Raul
Ok...I too had to go back and water now that Raul fixed it...and it worked!!! The harvest times dropped to about 1/2!!! Thank you Raul!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if this was asked before, but with the grow time reduced by 1/2 does that also reduce the time you have to harvest before the crops rot by 1/2 or do you still have the same original full time to harvest....i.e., if unwatered it takes 1 day to grow you would have 1 day after that before it rots, but if it now only takes 1/2 of a day to grow when watered do you then only have 1/2 day to get it harvested before it rots? would be a great feature to have a setting that you could allow your neighbors to go and harvest without being hired so that if you aren't able to get to your crops before they rot they can go a head and harvest them for you