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Old Aug 29 2011, 10:36 PM
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driverdave driverdave is offline
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Originally Posted by holla View Post
Ok then people would be complaining and asking WHY it was delayed,

ok yes i understand the point that they SHOULD be considerate because i know alot of them read these post's and i know it would be Good business practice to keep us in the loop, however u know its always been the same way since the beginning--Have they ever let us know about a delay(maybe once)-dont really know but its been the same since the beginning--why change now---YES i think its wrong to not let us know..OK.i agree, But when people get to the point of saying, they dont care, they got our money--ETC....its Absurd..

I bet this game has gone Further than RAUL or the devs ever had plans for originally when it first started-think about it..
Oh and im wondering also how long a game can stay in beta format?..i think they would make even More money putting this game out on a Gaming Console-Playstation,xbox)-that be sweet-id buy it in a sec
but wouldnt that require cross platform interoperability??? or would those of us that dont have an x-box or whatever just keep playing like we are and have no farmtown contact with our friends that have chosen to play it on consoles???

would it not require huge amounts of re-coding to suit the various platforms???

i am not a moderator ...just someone who likes to help out where i can

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