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Old Jun 07 2011, 12:42 PM
ridgie247 ridgie247 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 26 2010
Posts: 56

Sometimes I think it’s hard to explain a point when writing but giving it another whirl in one reply thread.

The progression of the belt rewards:
First – a gazillion posts it was quick to see for many of us that only posting a higher level of belt rewards is what we would do. It was overwhelming and not too much being clicked.

Second – a three hour window was implemented with 250k limit and 3 posts and only posting brown belt and above. Why this was nice is because if someone posted 3 bonuses. I could go back every 3 hours if I wanted to, a neighbor could post 3 other belt bonuses as well in 3 hours if they had items. These posts were clicked whether or not I received the bonus because of someone may have clicked mine as well. Not every day do we all need the same things, it was nice to see other posts besides just wheat, tomatoes and rice. My neighbor may have needed apples the day they posted the bonus, just because I have a lot of them doesn’t mean she/he does. They got a click from me.

Now – a 12 hour window with a 5 post limit. If my neighbor posts 5 items, 10 in a 24 hour period, I can only click 2 of those in a 24 hour period, making the other 8 posts only noise on my newsfeed. I cannot click for them to give them the bonus or gain a bonus myself. If people are only creating one post per day, then all of this is a lot of extra clicking to close windows to NOT post. If a persons posts a high level dan belt and really needs that item clicking a neighbors post for the day will most likely go unclicked until they get their bonus as their neighbors may not be posting the same item.
For me the belts weren’t a race to get to the top level by tomorrow…but perhaps that is what the devs were intending to make room for more facilities and crops take a major part of anyone’s farm who doesn’t have one of the unmentionable type farms but still has facilities.

With a 3rd drastic change to the system it was yet another confusing update to those who like the belt rewards. With animals, fishing and facilities coming next for belt levels perhaps they should have left the 3 hour a lone so we all could get used to it. This thread is for the belt updates and thanks for letting me voice my wee opinion