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Old May 22 2011, 10:56 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 938

Originally Posted by levarti2 View Post
does the facility manager work well for all of you?

I like it for clearing out products that are done, but it takes forever to use it to load up facilities because it times out or slows everything up (won't work until the picture of each place reloads and sometimes that takes a long time). So ... I only use it for half the intended purpose. Still go farm by farm and facility by facility to load them.
I suspect it's a RAM issue. I have an older computer that's like you describe - takes forever or times out and boots me off. But it's a breeze on my newer computer. I love it on the new computer but the older one, yeah, it's a pain to try to use it.
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Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.

Farmer Squeak didn't really get started until the web game was ready. Her Facebook Account didn't work. She's been going great guns since then, though!