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Old Apr 05 2011, 05:57 PM
Texas Belle Texas Belle is offline
Getting Started ( Level 1 )
Join Date: Sep 19 2009
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Farmer Since: Mar 27 2009
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Originally Posted by NiMo1960 View Post
Coming on here reading all these comments is giving me an alternative to the game

Farm 9 would be nice, but then I am still chasing the XP set by 2 others farm neighbours and an extra farm will give them a bigger advantage than it will me as they are multi layers and I no like that idea, so i'm hoping farm 9 will hold off a little longer.
More levels would be nice though.

Maybe the devs should link farms to cash levels as well as XP levels? Starting with 1 billion coins and level 200 for access to farm 9, then another billion and 20 levels for next farm, and so on, cos I feel that gives us something to chase for instead of just handing us another farm.
(guess that is my competitive motor racing side sneaking in?)
I DON'T THINK SO, excuse me if you had started like I started sometime within the month that FT was initiated in FB, you would have enough XPs and would be at the same 185 level that I am... I do not layer the farm, nor do I crop it, I do it the old fashion way.. could be I am retired and have time on my hands and put aside every month some money to spend here, it is the fun and the new things that I like and the people that you meet here are great.
Do you think its fair for all of us that started when this game took off to wait for the ones that came in after? NO
We worked and still work hard for what he have and competitive motor racing? You just don't want your neighbors to be above you, this is not a horse race, this is something that you have to feel it and love it and take care of, and yes the motor you have to put in it its your brain, you have to figure out a lot of things and that gives you motivation and puts your brain to work. And friend if you want to go up on XPs and levels, work, and buy some facilities that really help you to get your goal...
Out of my box now, hope you keep farming and work harder to level up with your neighbors.