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Old Mar 15 2011, 03:55 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 938

Originally Posted by Farmer Rabbit View Post
'Tis Leprechaun Gate, the feistiest scandal of them all.

Last we really ranted, Oast was frantically spelled Oats & Tuna was not yet easily canned. All friends still gathered here, our farming forum haven [say that three times fast]. Soon, someone will design a tiny forum tee shirt. I will want one immediately. Our Farm Town Mayor was kidnapped during our last extremely lengthy update wait. Special Gnome Guards have been deployed for his protection this go round. In fact our Mayor is nowhere to be found! He is hiding out. Or is he? Forum Conspiracy Theorists are espousing ideas that the Special Gnome Guards, the SGG, may actually be planning a takeover. Forum Conspiracy Theorists, the FCT, are stating flatly that the SGG have abducted our Mayor and have delayed our Update, our Precious Reportedly the SGG plan is to delay the Update just long enough that weary farmers will be so very excited when Leprechauns arrive, that they will not notice that they are the SGG dressed in green and acting jolly.

What say you, fellow farmers? Are the SGG planning a dreaded Farm Town Takeover? Is our Mayor in peril? Will our long awaited Leprechauns actually be the SGG in disguise? And where are our forum tee shirts saying, "I will survive Leprechaun Gate!"? Stay tuned for more 'updates'
Very cute. : )
My cat's account, Farmer Squeak, needs neighbors. Please add her if you have room:

Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.

Farmer Squeak didn't really get started until the web game was ready. Her Facebook Account didn't work. She's been going great guns since then, though!