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Old Feb 26 2011, 02:09 AM
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Cookie01 Cookie01 is offline
Join Date: Jul 13 2010
Location: Southampton, UK
Posts: 69

Oh my!. I have the tools. When I harvest on someone else's farm - with someone who hasn't - I tell the other player that I'm only doing half, then I leave when I've done it. No one's got angry - at least to my face. If it's someone else with a 4x4 - all bets are off.

The point is, I can't always afford the cash, so I spend what I do have very carefully. If people stopped buying farm cash, the game wouldn't be as good as it is. It's the cash purchases that fund the development of the game.

If you don't invest in the game - fair enough - I didn't until recently, but stop moaning at those of us that do invest, and enjoy the benefits the cash brings to the game.
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