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Old Jan 06 2011, 08:32 PM
Deanna J. Lloyd's Avatar
Deanna J. Lloyd Deanna J. Lloyd is offline
Join Date: Oct 23 2009
Location: East Tennessee, U.S.A.
Posts: 191
Arrow Farm #8

Here's the in-depth analysis based on the developers' past performance. Farm 8 will be released on a Friday (all 4 previous farms have been Friday releases) Previous three intervals were 7, 9, and 8 weeks. Seven weeks from the release of #7 would have been December 31 -- so that's out!!! I'm predicting January 21 (to give the devs time to recover from holiday madness, even though that's 10 weeks) I'm also predicting it will cost 26 million to buy up to 18 x 18 (you can take that to the bank!!!) based on previous patterns. If the whole 24 x 24 costs less than 1 billion coins, it will be a miracle or the devs will have taken pity on us poor dirt farmers. Remember, #7 cost 922 million!!!

BTW, to the very helpful fellow farmer who suggested the macromedia link, thank you!!! Unfortunately, it took me to an Adobe "Error" page. Any other suggestions?!
~ Deanna ~

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~ Gateway to My Agricultural Empire ~

Farming Since 26 September 2009
Level 1175 & Rising

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