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Old Aug 06 2010, 07:54 AM
Susie2 Susie2 is offline
Join Date: Nov 11 2009
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by SunnyD View Post
Was this fuel you made in your Factory or were they gifts?? you need to specify this and link your farm so the Mod's can better assist you . they are a really big help with the problems.. it is generally and easy fix. perhaps you stored the fuel and it will show up when you go to refuel? have you clicked to refuel yet.... if you don't click ok i will refuel you can come back to it and then try to find where your fuel is if you have it stored in a diff area of the game.. don't click ok yet if it is not there ok??
The fuel was made in my Factory I only use the gifts when I refuel I leave them in the gifts, I made sure there was plenty for the pump to do as it takes 6 hrs to get 4 I was really getting on quite well until this problem. I still have 5,738 left before I refuel. Could you let me know how I can link my farm for the mods to have a look please I have no idea what to do.

Thank you for getting back to me.