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Old Jul 24 2010, 07:30 AM
Ezmeralda Ezmeralda is offline
Join Date: Mar 01 2009
Location: Basildon, Essex
Posts: 5
Lightbulb ideas

A friend and i was helping each other on our farms and we got to discussing what we would like to see on out farms, so her are a few ideas we come up with to make life easier. Some have probably already been mentioned

1. In the market, how abut a 'sell all' option button as it takes so long sometimes to load if you have loads to sell
2. if not an option above how about a 'sell' or 'store' button on each facility so we can sell stuff direct
3. Tree chopper to do multiple trees
4. Flower picker to do multiple flowers, some people have 1000's and can take ages
5. to be able to do mulyiple squares when harvesting or plowing on friends farms instead of 1 by 1
6. fishing net...when u suffer from RSI, its no fun trying to use fishing rod
7. people we can buy to sit on furniture or just stand outside a building, or even one holding a fishing rod to put next to lake, so it looks more realistic
8. change the rotate button do we can turn items back to back or add items so we can have opposites