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Old May 18 2010, 12:04 AM
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Jailnurse Jailnurse is offline
Join Date: Nov 05 2009
Location: Ventura County, California
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Originally Posted by PRT View Post
I'm in the Eastern US and I find morning is when the market is full of people trying to hire. I go to market only when neighbors and buddies are not online.

What really ticks me off is when I tell someone you must hide things to get all the crops/fields and they either ignore you or don't do it. I'm tired of explaining this again and again. I am happy to tell someone how to hide if they don't know, but at least acknowledge my response. I wonder if they speak English?

Rant over
Now that just makes my point! the east coast is not awake when I am! You guys should get up at 3 am! AND a lot of people use the large screen when they are harvesting so don't see your messages. They are not ignoring you, they don't see you! (probably most of the time). And the English comment, well, this is an international game.......learn spanish?
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