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Old May 14 2010, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Zeeky Banutski View Post
Here's another perspective on the Farm Cash (i.e.,"dollars"). Personally, I don't care how much money the developers make on Farm Town - this is American capitalism at work...isn't it wonderful?

But here's my beef - I work darn hard for my money & I'm not about to waste it on purchasing "virtual" dollars for this game or any other game. However, that shouldn't mean that us "players" should be denied the opportunity to acquire any/all available Farm Town items based on the fact that some items are available using (free) "coins" (which we earn by playing the game), while other items are only available by spending actual cash (in the form of "virtual" dollars).

In my humble opinion, every item in the store should be available for sale to anyone/everyone no matter what form of payment they choose to use. The beauty of democracy is the "freedom of choice" & the current set up with Farm Town "virtual" dollars prevents me from choosing certain items in the store. The other method of acquiring "virtual" dollars is pure rubbish - sitting through those annoying "ads" responding to tos of questions/selections only to end up with a small amount "virtual" dollars & an obligatory "must choose something from this "method" or you've wasted a ton of time (which, by the way has a "price tag" associated with it - my time is also valuable).
People like this blow me away. Think how many hours of enjoyment per day, per week, per month...that you get from playing Farm Town, and you pay nothing for that enjoyment. You mention "freedom of choice" in your post. It's almost an attempt to cause the developers to feel guilty about their Farm Cash method.

As one (me), who has purchased more than $100 (US dollars) in Farm Cash, stop your whining, please! It takes a lot of time, resources, and money to develop games like Farm Town. Either cough up a little real cash to further enhance your enjoyment of the game, or let this plea go. It's getting annoying seeing all the posts from people who say, "I'm on a fixed income", "I can't afford it", "I have no money", and now your "freedom of choice" argument. I challenge you to go into any store in your city and attempt to get the same great deal that Farm Town offers. When you compare all the items that are available in the game, there are really very few that are available with Farm Cash only. The vast majority of items are obtainable with coins.

Finally, I find it very interesting that, those who can't afford a little Farm Cash, are the same people who manage to pay for internet access every month, and also manage to purchase a computer to access the internet.
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